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Statement on the state of arrangements regarding the return of trips of organized groups of Israeli youth to Poland


MFA Statement

Negotiations on the issue of the return of trips of organised groups of Israeli youth to Poland have been held with the Israeli side since the beginning of last year. We continue to work together on arrangements, with the aim of reaching a solution which is satisfactory to both sides. The resumption of visits by organized groups of Israeli youth to Poland was, among other things, the subject of conversations between the Ministers of Education and Foreign Ministers of Poland and Israel held on 31 January and 7 February 2023, respectively.

Although a final agreement has not been reached yet, during talks held in recent days through diplomatic channels we have been observing a convergence of positions, giving hope that a comprehensive agreement on the visits of organized groups of Israeli youth to Poland can be signed between Poland and Israel in the near future.

Poland invariably remains ready to welcome and host Israeli citizens in our country, travelling individually and in organized groups, based on existing agreements between our countries concerning i.a. (inter alia) visa-free travel.

We are in favour of promoting people-to-people contact between Poles and Israelis, especially regarding the younger generation, as it is crucial to increase the understanding between our peoples.


Łukasz Jasina

MFA Spokesperson