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The poster competition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Visegrad Group (V4) has been resolved!


The competition organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Association of Polish Graphic Designers was addressed to citizens of the Visegrad Group countries, i.e. the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary. The competition task was to create a poster dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the V4 Group.

Konkurs V4

374 entries (over 700 posters) were submitted to the competition. The projects were evaluated by an international jury – experts in the field of applied graphics and representatives of the organizers: Joanna Górska (Poland) – President of the Commission, Peter Bankov (Czech Republic), Marcel Benčík (Slovakia), Anna Korolovszky (Hungary), Jacek Gajewski - Director of the Polish Institute in Bratislava, Joanna Urbańska – Director of the Polish Institute in Budapest, Maciej Ruczaj – Director of the Polish Institute in Prague and Monika Szmigiel-Turlej – Deputy Director of the Department of Public and Cultural Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The jury decided to award 3 prizes and 9 honourable mentions.


1st PRIZE: Łukasz Zwolan (Poland)

2nd PRIZE: Bruno Szenk (Poland)

3rd PRIZE: István Szathmáry (Hungary)

Honourable mentions:

Veronika Barrera (Slovakia)

Peter Chmela (Slovakia)

Ildikó Dósa (Hungary)

Peter Eliáš (Slovakia)

Katarzyna Kogutiuk (Poland)

Zuzanna Kwapińska (Poland)

Marek Maciejczyk (Poland)

Vít Ondroušek (Czech Republic)

Patrycja Piechocka (Poland)

Congratulations to the winners and thank you for all the submitted works! The awarded works will be published in the calendar for 2021, which will be distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Exhibitions of awarded projects are also planned.

Partners: International Poster Biennale in Warsaw, Slovenské centrum dizajnu, Czech Design.


MFA Press Office

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