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Undersecretary of State Jakub Wiśniewski attends FAC Development in Brussels


On 7 May 2024, Undersecretary of State Jakub Wiśniewski took part in the Foreign Affairs Council session held in Brussels in the format of development cooperation ministers (FAC Development).

Undersecretary of State Jakub Wiśniewski participated in FAC Development in Brussels

The ministers discussed the EU support for Ukraine which will take the form of the Ukraine Facility implemented based on the Ukraine Plan adopted by the Ukrainian government. The Plan's implementation is supposed to bolster Ukraine's modernisation and European integration processes.

“Poland welcomes the Ukraine Plan. The document includes a complex analysis of measures both taken and planned by Ukraine, covering a broad spectrum of key questions for the reconstruction and future functioning of the Ukrainian state,” said Minister Wiśniewski.

During the session, the ministers also spoke about the dramatic humanitarian situation in Gaza. In this context, they stressed the importance of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East and called for humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip in accordance with international humanitarian law.


