AGRIFISH Council in Brussels: discusses the crisis situation in agriculture
A meeting of the EU Council on Agriculture and Fisheries (AGRIFISH) in Brussels was devoted to important agricultural and fisheries issues. The Polish delegation was led by Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Czeslaw Siekierski.
Agriculture - the most important topics
The AGRIFISH Council met on September 23-24, 2024. The most important topics related to the situation on agricultural markets and the second year of implementation of the Strategic Plans of the Common Agricultural Policy. Poland also brought to the session a proposal to postpone the date of entry into force of e-registries for plant protection products.
Second year of implementation of CAP Strategic Plans
The EU Agriculture Ministers exchanged views on the practical experience gained during the first two years of the current CAP, which is being implemented from January 1, 2023. They discussed the challenges encountered by national authorities in implementing the Strategic Plans.
Poland's position
Minister Siekierski thanked EU ministers for their support, directed at those affected by the floods and fires. He stressed that quick assistance, especially financial, is now crucial. The Polish minister said that it is necessary to modify procedures related to natural disasters to better protect farms.
- Existing regulations must be relaxed, and common support mechanisms must be developed for those who may suffer similar disasters in the future, Minister Siekierski added.
The Minister, referring to the experience of the first two years of the CAP Strategic Plans, said that the new CAP implementation model needs to be changed. He stressed that it is necessary to implement solutions that will enable a faster and more effective response to emerging crises.
- Further work on simplification is needed to reduce administrative barriers for beneficiaries and costs for member states to implement Strategic Plans. These experiences must be taken into account when working on the next CAP,” said the head of the Polish delegation.
More information at: AGRIFISH in Brussels: talks on crisis situation in agriculture - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - Portal (