Deputy Heads of the Permanent Representation
Representative to COREPER I
Mr. Arkadiusz Pluciński - Minister-Counsellor
- represents Poland in the Committee of Permanent Representatives - COREPER (part I). Bears the responsibility for the following six Council's configurations: Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council; Competitiveness Council; Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council; Agriculture and Fisheries Council; Environment Council; Education, Youth and Culture Council.
CV - please see the attachement below
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Representative to the Political and Security Committee
Weronika Frydryszek
- represents Poland in the Political and Security Committee (PSC) and is in charge of the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).
CV - please see the attachement below
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Arkadiusz_Pluciński_DPR_CV_enArkadiusz_Pluciński_PL_DPR_bio.pdf 0.42MB CV - Weronika Frydryszek
CV_Wernika_Frydryszek.pdf 0.61MB