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Extraordinary EPSCO Council (Health)


At an extraordinary meeting of the Council requested by Poland, health ministers with the participation of EU Commissioners Stella Kyriakides (health), Janez Lenarčič (crisis management) and Thierry Breton (internal market) engaged in a political debate on the protection of public health in connection with the spread of the COVID-19 virus infections in Europe. Participation in the meeting was also an opportunity for Minister Łukasz Szumowski to sign the Joint Procurement Agreement of the medical countermeasures on behalf of the Polish government.


The meeting of EU27 health ministers was preceded by a coordination meeting of the heads of delegations of the Visegrad Group countries. During the Council meeting, the ministers emphasized issues related to sharing information on actions taken in individual Member States, cross-sectoral cooperation and monitoring of challenges related to the availability of medicines and medical equipment in the EU. Attention was drawn to the need to strengthen solidarity and cooperation in the union, as well as to support the European Commission in counteracting the negative effects of the spread of infections in the EU.

Summing up the discussion, Commissioner Kyriakides said that she shares the concerns of the Member States regarding the possible occurrence of drug shortages and declares cooperation with the European Medicines Agency in this regard. In addition, she declared verification of the possibility of carrying out subsequent joint purchases under the EU JPA mechanism. Commissioner Lenarčič emphasized that the possibility of providing Commission's support in the area of ​​crisis financing (also under the European Solidarity Fund) is constantly analyzed during regular meetings of the Crisis Coordination Committee. Commissioners also called on Member States to show solidarity in the supply of personal protective equipment.