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Extraordinary meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council


Minister Mariusz Kamiński participated in the extraordinary meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA). The meeting was devoted to the migration situation at the external borders of the European Union.


In view of the deteriorating situation on the Greek-Turkish border, the Croatian Presidency, at the request of Greece, convened a Council that discussed the different possibilities of supporting Greece, as well as Cyprus and Bulgaria, in their efforts to protect the EU's external borders.

Poland supported the need to provide rapid assistance to Member States bordering Turkey, especially Greece. Minister Kamiński pointed out that EU support should focus on protecting and controlling the EU's external border by using the strengthened mandate of Frontex. Poland is ready to support its EU partners under the developed crisis mechanisms by means of an increased presence of 100 Border Guard officers and 100 Police officers in the areas most affected.

At the same time, Poland indicated that all assistance granted to Greece must be in line with the needs reported and the capabilities of the Member States, and it cannot be based on a mandatory relocation mechanism.
