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Informal video conference of EU trade ministers


Trade ministers discussed relevant matters linked to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on EU trade and trade policy.

09.06.2020., Zagreb - U Nacionalnoj i sveucilisnoj knjiznici ministar vanjskih i europskih poslova, Gordan Grlic Radman, odrzao je videokonferenciju "FAC Trade" s ministrima drzava clanica Europske unije. Photo: Dalibor Urukalovic/PIXSELL/EU2020HR

Ministers highlighted the importance of preserving the WTO as a relevant instrument for the post-COVID-19 world. They stressed in particular the need to ensure transparency on trade restrictions introduced in response to the current crisis and discussed a possible initiative for facilitating trade in healthcare products.

Ministers also took stock of the selection process of a new WTO Director General, following the decision by the current Director General, Roberto Azevedo, to step down as of 31 August 2020. They stressed the importance of expediting the process so that the new Director General can take office on 1 September. They also called for the future Director General to be a strong supporter of multilateralism, with the necessary experience and ability to push an ambitious agenda for the WTO.

The negative impact the pandemic has had on global trade, and the role of global supply chains in the recovery was also discussed. Ministers stressed the need to diversify and solidify the EU's supply chains and called for the deepening of the EU's network of trade agreements with key global partners. Many delegations also stressed the essential role sustainable development should play in the EU's future trade policy.

Poland during the videoconference was represented by Mr Krzysztof Mazur, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Development.
