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Minister of Digital Affairs in Brussels to talk about the digital future of Europe


The 5G network, the future Digital Services Code, cybersecurity, the development of network infrastructure and the new EU budget - these were the main topics of Friday's visit of the Minister of Digital Affairs Marek Zagórski in Brussels.


The main point of the visit was a meeting with the Vice-President of the European Commission Margrethe Vestager, responsible for the digital affairs and competition policy. In addition, the head of the Digital Ministry also met with Roberto Viola - Director General for Communication Networks, Content and Technology of the European Commission (DG Connect) as well as with Poles employed in EU institutions.

Digital Europe

€8.1 billion is the budget of the EU's Digital Europe Program, which will be kicked-off in 2021. Its purpose is to financially support the digital transformation of European societies and economies. The program is to provide funding for projects in areas such as the development of artificial intelligence, supercomputers, advanced digital skills and cyber security. Its shape and implementation were one of the issues that the minister of digital affairs raised during Friday's meetings with the management of EU institutions.

- Strengthening digital foundations is crucial for the development of our country. We implement it by measns such as providing broad access to fast internet, effective and friendly public e-services, and continuous improvement of the digital competence level of our society. These are the main goals we set for the "Digital Poland" Operational Programme and we want to continue these activities in the coming years - announced Minister Marek Zagórski. - It is important that the funds from central and national programmes can mutually support the implementation of common goals - added the minister.

Network security

The Minister of Digital Affairs during Friday's meetings in Brussels presented the Polish view on the issues of construction, development and ensuring the security of the fifth generation network.

- We want to increase the importance of the NIS directive regarding network and information security - underlined the minister. In the context of the 5G network, we believe that the approach to cybersecurity should be coordinated throughout the European Union, regardless of the fact that the actions and perspectives of individual countries may differ.

E-commerce - new opening

Another topic raised in Brussels was the European Commission's future work on a regulatory framework for digital services in the Union, in particular online platforms - the so-called European Digital Code (Digital Services Act). Poland wants to provide internet users with a greater range of rights, including that they are the owners of their data on social networks and that social media users are treated as consumers in the full sense of the word.

- I would like this year's global Internet Governance Forum - organized by Poland - to be an opportunity to discuss the internet from a global perspective. Our common European approach has the potential to become a standard for the international community. As it was the case with the GDPR - said Minister of Digital Affairs Marek Zagórski at a meeting with Margrethe Vestager, while inviting the EC Vice-President to participate in this important event.
