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Minister Rau took part in the Foreign Affairs Council meeting


The EU's relations with the US and the EU's strategic autonomy were the main topics of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC).


With reference to the current affairs, Foreign Ministers of the EU Member States discussed the situation in Georgia after the parliamentary elections, Turkey's activities in the Eastern Mediterranean, the situation in Belarus, Hong Kong, Venezuela and Libya, as well as the EU's efforts to promote human rights.

Regarding the situation in Belarus, Minister Rau stressed that the regime's lack of readiness to dialogue with the society and the continuing repression of peaceful protesters require rapid implementation of measures already agreed by the EU, also in the form of the next tranche of sanctions. He also expressed the expectation that, in accordance with the decision of the heads of state and government taken at the meeting of the European Council in October, the European Commission will soon present a plan of economic support for a future democratic Belarus.

During the discussion on transatlantic relations, Minister Zbigniew Rau emphasized that close relations with the US should be a priority for the EU. He emphasized that the first priority should be to strengthen cooperation on issues where the EU and the future US administration have convergent approaches, such as multilateralism, economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as creating infrastructure connections, including those planned under the Three Seas Initiative.

Referring to the EU's strategic autonomy discussed at the meeting, Minister Rau emphasized that the development of the EU's ability to act on a global scale in the area of ​​security and economy should be carried out in close cooperation with countries sharing our values, in particular the US.
