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National Independence Day



On 11 November 1918, Poland regained its independence after 123 years of captivity. The Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU expressed pride in our country and its history in the most solemn way.

As part of the celebrations, the Permanent Representative of Poland to the EU Andrzej Sadoś attended a solemn Holy Mass in the Church of Notre Dame de la Chapelle and opened an exhibition entitled "From the Lublin Union to the European Union". The event was accompanied by a patriotic academy performed by children from the Polish John Paul II school in Brussels.

The Permanent Representation also honoured Polish airmen killed in Sint-Peters Rode during World War II by laying a commemorative wreath at the soldiers' graves.

On that day Stevin and Cortenbergh streets, where the Permanent Representation is located, were decorated with banners in the Polish national colours. An additional form of joint celebration were commemorative posters in the windows of the homes and flats of diplomats, officials of European institutions and friends of the Permanent Representation of Poland to the EU.

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