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Permanent Representation of Poland to the EU hosts an exhibition of Polish modern artists in Brussels


The exhibition, which presents the works of the best modern Polish artists, was prepared in cooperation with the Art Gallery of Mrs. Justyna Napiórkowska, Ph.D. - We show what we have the best in Poland - said Andrzej Sadoś, the Permanent Representative of Poland to the European Union during the opening of the exhibition.


Among more than 20 works by Polish painters, there are works by such artists as Edward Dwurnik, Marek Okrassa, Jan Kanty Pawluśkiewicz, Andrzej Borowski, Piotr Butkiewicz and Sergiusz Powałka.

The Artistic Director of the Gallery, Justyna Napiórkowska, said at the opening that they are very diverse artists, from different generations and art schools, showing different sensitivities and different ways of looking at the world. She emphasized that this is the real presence of Polish art in Europe.

For a year, the works of Polish artists will be presented at the Permanent Representation of Poland to the EU on a daily basis in offices and conference rooms, where meetings of Polish and European politicians are held.

- It is quite a non-obvious fact that the Polish Representation to the European Union is also a place where we present extremely interesting contemporary Polish paintings. It is difficult to overestimate the added value of art in our daily work - said Ambassador Andrzej Sadoś.

During the opening of the exhibition, among guests were diplomats and high-ranking representatives of EU institutions.

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