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Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki's consultation with the heads of EU institutions


The head of the Polish government met in Brussels with the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the President of the European Council Charles Michel. The meetings were dominated by budget negotiations leading up to the EUCO summit due on 20 February.


"It was a very constructive and positive meeting at which we discussed the EU budget in detail. I think that today we have advanced on several aspects," the head of the Polish government told the media after the meeting with the President of the European Commission.

Mateusz Morawiecki reminded that the UK's departure will result with a reduction of funds in the future MFF, however - as the Prime Minister emphasized - the new objectives cannot be implemented at the expense of the policies guaranteed by the treaties like the cohesion fund - vital for ensuring investments in infrastructure. He added, "we care about this because we know how much modern infrastructure supports economic growth".

Another topic discussed with the President of the European Commission was the Common Agricultural Policy. "We proposed solutions for which we were very well prepared" - the head of government pointed out.

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki also met the President of the European Council Charles Michel with whom the new long-term budget of the European Union was discussed as well.

"During the meeting with the President of the Council of Europe we have devoted a lot of time to the own resources of the EU budget. Until now, the European Parliament has been particularly attentive to this aspect of the MFF and Poland is very supportive of this approach" - said the prime minister. He added that "the President was very curious about specific solutions and also presented some solutions to which we responded positively. One of the potential ideas for a source of own income is the so-called plastic fee. We also talked about proportionally taxing the largest companies. Such a fee would be very democratic, supporting the middle class and small and medium-sized enterprises".

"Both meetings were very positive and I am convinced that this is a step in the right direction, but the negotiations ahead of us will no doubt be difficult. The key to good negotiations is developing a consensus around the European budget" - summed up Prime Minister Morawiecki.

The visit to Brussels is part of consultations with EU leaders on the EU's multi-annual budget for 2021-2027. They take place as a build-up of the extraordinary European Council meeting, during which EU heads of state and governments will attempt to agree on the design of the most important elements of the EU's Multiannual Financial Framework. The visit is part of the ongoing consultation, based on which the President of the European Council will present a new compromise proposal on the EU budget.

Poland advocates that the size of the new EU multiannual budget should correspond to the bloc's political ambitions, also in the context of many new challenges, such as migration pressure or climate goals. Adequate funding must be ensured for the two treaty policies: cohesion and agricultural, which are proven financial instruments with high European added value. Poland expects full convergence of direct payments for farmers. New challenges require new budgetary resources, with new own resources being balanced and fair so that they do not disproportionately burden the less prosperous Member States.

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