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Special meeting of the European Council


The heads of state and government of the EU member states held a discussion on Russia, the United Kingdom and the US, as well as on climate policy and COVID-19 coordination. The issue of the forced landing of the Ryanair plane in Minsk was also raised. Poland was represented by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.


The forced landing of a Ryanair flight in Minsk was the first point of the EU summit in Brussels.

“In fact, Belarus has committed an act of state terrorism. The lives of more than 150 people were jeopardized, just to target a political persecution against Belarusian society, ”emphasized Prime Minister Morawiecki in a statement to the media ahead of the European Council.

The leaders decided to impose further sanctions on representatives of the Belarusian regime, as well as economic sanctions. In line with the summit conclusions, it was decided to adopt the necessary measures to ban overflight of EU airspace by Belarusian airlines and prevent access to EU airports of flights operated by such airlines. In addition, EU leaders called on the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to urgently investigate the issue of forcing a plane to land in Minsk.

The European Council held a strategic debate on EU-Russia relations. The leaders emphasized the crucial role of all the so-called five guiding principles as the basis of the EU's policy towards this country. They also condemned Russia's illegal and provocative actions against the EU and its member states.

Leaders also discussed the state of relations with the United Kingdom in the context of the implementation of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, establishing a new basis for mutual relations.

On countering the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Council took stock of the epidemiological situation related to the pandemic and efforts to increase the production, supply and distribution of vaccines. Leaders also reviewed coordination activities in the framework of international solidarity and the use of the vaccination certificate.

The European Council confirmed its conclusions of 10-11 December 2020 on climate policy. The leaders asked the European Commission to swiftly put forward its legislative package together with an in-depth examination of the environmental, economic and social impact at Member State level..

Ahead of the meeting of the European Council, a V4 coordination was held at the premises of the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU.

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