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The Visegrad Group allocates EUR 3 million for vaccines and drugs against COVID-19


Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced during a global donors conference that Poland and the Visegrad Group countries decided to allocate an additional EUR 3 million as part of the initiative to accelerate vaccine and drug development against COVID-19.


Leaders emphasized during a video conference organized by the European Commission, together with partners from around the world, the need to raise funds to accelerate research on vaccines, diagnostics and treatment of the virus. A total of EUR 7.4 billion has been declared. The initiative is to be implemented in close cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other global partners.

"From the beginning of this pandemic Poland has been a vocal supporter for a stronger European response, to fight both the disease and its direct consequences" the head of the Polish government pointed out. "It's also about counteracting the impact of COVID-19 that we all feel in our societies and the economy," he added.

The Prime Minister also cited the Visegrad Group initiative in which Poland takes over the rotating presidency as of 1st July 2020. It is about changing the allocation of part of the EU Trust Fund for Africa, from which Poland has proposed to allocate 20 million euros to fight COVID-19 in Libya - one of the most vulnerable countires.

Prime Minister Morawiecki drew attention to the current activities of our country supporting the fight against the pandemic around the world. Polish medical teams provide assistance in countries such as Italy, the USA and Kyrgyzstan. Poland also implemented humanitarian and development activities like the recent donation of medical equipment worth approx. EUR 3.8 million to the Eastern Partnership countries. These funds supported hospitals and other facilities to fight the pandemic.

A new edition of the "Polish Challenge Fund" is also being launched, offering data and digital identity solutions that address pandemic challenges. Assistance in this regard is intended for Belarus and Ukraine (approx. EUR 250,000). Poland also supports multilateral mechanisms, providing about 250,000 euros for the United Nations Central Fund for Emergency Situations OCHA (Humanitarian Aid Coordination Office) and another 250,000 euros for UNICEF activities in Palestine (over our annual contribution of 250,000 euros to UNRWA - the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees). Work is also underway on humanitarian aid projects worth over EUR 1.5 million for additional assistance to the Western Balkans, the Eastern Partnership, Africa and the Middle East.
