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Video conference of Foreign Affairs Ministers


“We believe that the EU needs an ambitious approach to its 2021-2027 budget to make sure it is able to provide adequate support for member states affected by the pandemic’s economic fallout,” Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz said at the EU’s Foreign Affairs Council video conference held on 3 April.

2020.04.03 Warszawa . Minister Jacek Czaputowicz . Wideokonferencja FAC .Fot. Tymon Markowski / MSZ

The discussion focused on three items: repatriation of EU citizens, aid to third countries, specifically in Africa, as well as strategic communication and fighting disinformation.

Minister Jacek Czaputowicz stressed that the EU should be more active in supporting member states’ efforts to defeat the pandemic and its economic impact. He also praised the existing system of EU consular coordination in third countries. He noted that more than 750 citizens of other EU states, the UK and Ukraine, came back home on board of planes under the #LOTdoDomu (Lot flies back home) operation.

According to the Polish top diplomat, disinformation efforts carried out by third countries, including Russia, aim at sapping trust between the member states and undermining the EU’s credibility on the international stage. He said: “To counter disinformation we need to inform the public about specific examples of solidarity between member states.” The minister also expressed his support for the planned strengthening of the EU’s strategic communication.

Minister Czaputowicz said that the EU military and civilian missions in third countries should remain capable of fulfilling their mandate in the new circumstances. He also announced that Poland will take part in the newly launched IRINI mission in the Mediterranean whose goal will be to enforce embargo on arms supplies to Libya. The mission will be joined by a Polish reconnaissance aircraft and a 120-strong Polish military contingent.    

Photo: Tymon Markowski/MFA
