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Video conference of ministers of tourism


Tourism is one of the economic sectors first and most heavily affected by the COVID-19 crisis. The sector is experiencing a fast and sharp drop in demand and a surge in unemployment, putting many small and medium-sized enterprises at risk. Ministers responsible for tourism in EU member states discussed how to reverse these trends and help businesses at risk, at today's video conference.

27.04.2020., Zagreb - U Nacionalnoj i sveucilisnoj knjiznici ministar turizma Gari Cappelli odrzao je videokonferenciju s ministrima drzava clanica Europske unije. Photo: Josip Regovic/PIXSELL/EU2020HR

The discussions revealed the need to coordinate future actions at EU level in the context of the re-opening of tourist facilities such as museums, hotels and restaurants and the return of unrestrained movement between member states. A unified approach to the same health and safety rules will be needed to rebuild trust and encourage people to travel. Ministers agreed that the tourism industry was particularly affected by the crisis and should be given adequate financial support at EU level.

Assistance measures have already been launched in many countries, mainly in the form of horizontal support for companies, such as benefits, loans at low interest rates, tax exemptions and state guarantees.

Most ministers positively assessed the idea of ​​establishing a platform for informal exchange of information and regulations regarding the area of ​​tourism.

"Each authority will be able to view and reflect upon the solutions in place in other member states and potentially benefit from the best practices," highlighted Andrzej Gut-Mostowy, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Development, who represented Poland at the meeting.
