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Individuals with disabilities

Individuals with special needs, including with disabilities, might also benefit from free aid. The facilities dispose of technologies facilitating communication and have access to external professionals, such as for example sign language interpreter.

Furthermore, individuals with major physical disabilities, who are not able to leave their home, and those with communication difficulties, as stated in the Bill of rights from the 19th of August 2011 on sign language and other means of communication, might also ask for a consultation at a different location or for a remote consultation, by phone or through an online communicator, independently of the epidemic situation.

To benefit from free legal aid, citizens advice, or mediation, it is necessary to make an appointment:

  • by phone – calling the given Poviat registration number;
  • online – sending an email to the given Poviat’s designed email or filling the form available at;
  • in person – at a Poviat’s Hall.

The detailed information on how to sign up, what documents to bring, and the localisation of the help facilities is available on the following websites:

Are the facilities adapted to individuals with special needs?

The presence of a sign language interpreter might be requested during citizens advice, legal help, and mediation. The Poviat’s Hall must provide such a service, which are free of charge. Sign language interpreters are to be requested at the Poviat’s or City Hall upon signing for a consultation or afterwards, however not later than three working days before the appointment.

Should the consultation take place at the facility, individuals with disabilities might come to consultations or mediations accompanied by a relative, a friend, their caregiver or an interpreter, who might be present at all times, should that be wish of the individual they are accompanying.

Individuals with major physical disabilities, who are not able to leave their home, and those with communication difficulties, might have their consultation at a different location. After signing up, they will be a lawyer or special adviser in order to decide on the location of the meeting, including their place, a hospital, or any other location that the individual cannot leave because of their condition.

Consultations might take place at a location equipped communication facilitating technologies or where a sign language interpreter is available (such as the facility of an association providing help to individuals with communication difficulties). A sign language interpreter might be requested, and free of charge, when signing up for a consultation the Poviat or City Hall.

