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Power BI reports: Unpaid Assistance System

Power BI reports

The Ministry of Justice provides aggregate information on the services provided under the act of 5 August 2015 on free legal aid, free civic counselling and legal education (Dz. U. z 2021 r. poz. 945). The data presented are taken from the quarterly reports submitted to the Minister of Justice on the performance by the powiats of the tasks of providing free legal aid, free civic counselling and legal education.

The data is presented in the Power BI (Business Intelligence) module. The quarterly update cycles are related to the time limits for the powiats to fulfil their reporting obligations. The data is in tabular and graphical form, with full freedom to choose additional options enabling data sorting, e.g. by voivodships, quarters, forms of assistance provided, data of assistance beneficiaries.

For information on the free legal aid scheme, click on the link below:

Power BI reports
