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Free aid – what is it?

Free legal aid is a public initiative, aiming at granting equal access to justice to all Polish residents who would not be able to afford a lawyer due to their life circumstances. Self-employed entrepreneurs might also benefit from free aid.

Free aid help includes:

Free aid is offered at around 1500 facilities in Poland, in every Poviat. To check out the availability click HERE.

How can I sign up for consultations?

  • by phone – calling the given Poviat registration number;
  • online – sending an email to the given Poviat’s designed email or filling the form available at;
  • in person – at a Poviat’s Hall.



Equality in justice.


Free aid aspires to minimise social inequalities and to provide an equal legal treatment and civic rights.


The free legal aid system was created to grant equal access to the judiciary system, according to the 16th Sustainable Development Goal of UN’s 2030 Agenda.



Why do we help?

Because the socio-economic status should not result in inequalities in the access to judiciary system.

How do we proceed?

Access to free legal help is granted at specific locations nationwide.

What do we exactly do?

We grant access to free services of lawyers, citizens advisers, and mediators to individuals who could not afford those professional services.
