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Regional Directors for Environmental Protection

Competences and responsibilities of the Regional Directors for Environmental Protection

Powers and tasks of Regional Directors for Environmental Protection

Regional Directors for Environmental Protection implement environmental protection policy tasks related to nature conservation management, investment process control, and sharing information about the environment in their voivodeships. They also issue, within their powers, local law acts in the form of ordinances. Regional Directors for Environmental Protection are appointed and dismissed by the General Director for Environmental Protection.

The Regional Directorates for Environmental Protection were established, just like the General Directorate for Environmental Protection, under the Act of 3 October 2008 on sharing information on the environment and its protection, public participation in environmental protection, and on environmental impact assessments.
The main tasks of Regional Directors for Environmental Protection:

  • issuing decisions and provisions under the Nature Conservation Act;
  • establishing and eliminating forms of nature conservation;
  • providing data to the database of environmental impact assessments kept by the General Directorate for Environmental Protection;
  • participating in strategic environmental impact assessments;
  • managing Natura 2000 sites and other forms of nature conservation;
  • conducting environmental impact assessments for projects or taking part in these assessments;
  • implementing tasks related to participation by organizations in EMAS;
  • conducting proceedings and performing other tasks provided for in the Act on the prevention and remedying of environmental damage;
  • cooperating with local governments in matters relating to environmental impact assessments and nature conservation;
  • cooperating with environmental organizations.


Regional Directors for Environmental Protection

Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Białystok - Adam Juchnik 
Deputy Regional Director of Environmental Protection, Regional Conservator of Nature in Białystok - Adam Bohdan  

Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Bydgoszcz - Ewa Patalas
Deputy Regional Director of Environmental Protection, Regional Conservator of Nature in Bydgoszcz - Marek Machnikowski

Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Gdańsk - Anna Tchórzewska
Acting Deputy Regional Director of Environmental Protection, Regional Conservator of Nature in Gdańsk 

Acting Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Gorzów Wielkopolski - Michał Bielewicz 
Deputy Regional Director of Environmental Protection, Regional Conservator of Nature in Gorzów Wielkopolski  - Michał Bielewicz 

Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Katowice - Mirosława Mierczyk-Sawicka
Acting Deputy Regional Director of Environmental Protection, Regional Conservator of Nature in Katowice - Przemysław Skrzypiec

Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Kielce - Iwona Kędzierska-Gębska
Acting Deputy Regional Director of Environmental Protection, Regional Conservator of Nature in Kielce - Lech Buchholz

Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Kraków - Rafał Rostecki
Deputy Regional Director of Environmental Protection, Regional Conservator of Nature in Kraków 

Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Lublin, Regional Conservator of Nature in Lublin - Beata Sielewicz  
Acting Deputy Regional Director of Environmental Protection, Regional Conservator of Nature in Lublin - Tomasz Wąsik

Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Łódź  - Grzegorz Socha  
Deputy Regional Director of Environmental Protection, Regional Conservator of Nature in Łódź - Tomasz Radziewicz

Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Olsztyn - Agata Moździerz
Deputy Regional Director of Environmental Protection, Regional Conservator of Nature in Olsztyn - Aleksandra Krzysztoń-Rzodkiewicz

Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Opole - Alicja Majewska
Deputy Regional Director of Environmental Protection, Regional Conservator of Nature in Opole - Justyna Kantorczyk-Gałkiewicz

Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Poznań - Marcin Nowak
Deputy Regional Director of Environmental Protection, Regional Conservator of Nature in Poznań - Jacek Przygocki

Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Rzeszów  - Sławomir Serafin 
Deputy Regional Director of Environmental Protection, Regional Conservator of Nature in Rzeszów - Agnieszka Marcela 

Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Szczecin - Sylwia Jurzyk-Nordlöw
Deputy Regional Director of Environmental Protection, Regional Conservator of Nature in Szczecin 

Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Warszawie - Jacek Lolo 
Deputy Regional Director of Environmental Protection, Regional Conservator of Nature in Warszawie - Aneta Adamska 

Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Wrocław, Acting Regional Conservator of Nature in Wrocław  - Katarzyna Łapińska
Deputy Regional Director of Environmental Protection, Regional Conservator of Nature in Wrocław 
Second Deputy Regional Director of Environmental Protection - Maria Szpila 
