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ICTON 2025

International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks

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Call for Contributions

25th Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2025


15th Anniversary Sub-Wavelength Photonics Conference (SWP)


5th Anniversary Conference on Advanced Fibre Lasers and Coherent Sources (AFLaser)

Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, July 6-10, 2025    

Co-located with:

  • 22nd European Symposium on Photonic Crystals (ESPC)
  • 22nd Workshop on All-Optical Routing (WAOR)
  • 20th Anniversary Global Optical & Wireless Networking Seminar (GOWN)
  • 19th Optical Wireless Workshop (OWW)
  • 19th Photonic Integrated Components & Applications Workshop (PICAW)
  • 19 th Reliability Issues in Next Generation Optical Networks Workshop (RONEXT)
  • 18th Nanophotonics for All-Optical Networking Workshop (NAON)
  • 18th Workshop on Photonic Microresonators and Resonant Devices (PMRD, former PAM)
  • 18th Special Session on Novel Glasses for photonic devices
  • 15th Anniversary Workshop on Broadband Access and Edge Networking
  • 14th Workshop on Communication in Transportation Systems (CTS)
  • 13th Workshop on Green Optical Communications (GOC)
  • 13th Special Session on Microwave Photonics (MWP)
  • 10th Anniversary Workshop on Workshop on 6G Network Operation (6GNeO)
  • 9th Workshop on Technology for Data Center Interconnects (DACINT)
  • 9th Workshop on Datacenter Networks (DCN)
  • 9th Workshop on 5G Transport Networks (5GT)
  • 8th Workshop on Fiber-Wireless Network Technologies and Architectures towards 5G and Beyond (FiWiN5G)
  • 8th Workshop on Quantum Photonics (QPhot)
  • 8th Workshop on Multi-Layer Network Orchestration (NetOrch)
  • 7th Workshop on Novel Optical Amplifiers (NOA)
  • 7th Workshop on Super-Resolution Imaging and Sensing (SRIS)
  • 7th Workshop on High Capacity SDM-WDM Optical Networking (SDM-WDM)
  • 7th Workshop on Flexible and High-Capacity Optical Networks (Flex-ON)
  • 6th Workshop on Optical Microscopy Techniques (OMT)
  • 5th Anniversary Workshop on Integration of Optical and Satellite Communication Systems into 5G Edge Networks (OSCto5G)
  • 5th Anniversary Workshop on Quantum Communications (QC)
  • 5th Anniversary Workshop on Multi-band Open Optical Networks (MOON)
  • 5th Anniversary Workshop on Machine Learning for Optical Communications (MALOC)
  • 5th Anniversary DFG MARIE workshop on THz Photonics (THzPho)
  • 4th Workshop on Progress in Nonlinear Photonics and Applications (PNPA)
  • 4th Workshop on Innovative Photonic Technologies for the Future High Capacity Metro Network (PhotoMAN)
  • 4th Workshop on SDN-NFV Challenges and Solutions (SDN-NFV)
  • 4th Workshop on Softwarization and Virtualization of Optical Access Networks (OptSoft)
  • 4th Workshop on Microstructured optical fibers (MOF)
  • 3rd Special Session on Space-Division Multiplexing for High-Capacity Transmission (SDM)
  • 3rd Workshop ‘Women in telecommunication and optical networks: Highlighting diverse voices in optical networks’ (WeInTel)
  • 3rd Workshop on Enabling technologies toward 6G Networks (TECHto6G)
  • 2nd Special Session on Novel Optical Fiber Sensing Techniques (NOFSeT)
  • 2nd Special Session on Aerospace Photonics
  • 2nd ICTON Demo Zone
  • NEW! 1st Workshop on Programmable Photonics

The National Institute of Telecommunications, Department of Transmission and Optical Technologies in Warsaw, together with The National Institute of Telecommunications, Department of Transmission and Optical Technologies in Warsaw, together with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech (UPC), Departments of Computers Arquitecture, Physics and Signal Theory and Comunication and the IEEE Photonics Society Poland Chapter are pleased to announce the 25th Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2025 in Barcelona, Spain, July 6-10, 2025. Technical co-sponsorship by the IEEE Photonics Society is foreseen.

Being the capital of Catalonia, Barcelona is filled with historical sites and cultural events. Barcelona is one of the most attractive cities in Europe, with a number of interesting sites to visit. Barcelona is easily reachable by plane, the airport of Barcelona (El Prat) is at 12 km of the city centre.

ICTON 2025 will be held as an in-person-only meeting.

The scope of the Conference and co-located events is focused on the applications of transparent and all-optical technologies in telecommunications, computing, sensing, imaging, and quantum applications. Conference topics include but are not limited to:

  • Molecular photonics
  • Nonlinear optics
  • Nanophotonics
  • Digital all-optical networks
  • Ultra-dense wavelength-division multiplexing
  • Ultra-fast optical time domain multiplexing
  • Next generation networking
  • Optical switching and routing
  • Optical packet networks and services
  • Optical memories and data storage
  • Optical transparency and network scalability
  • Network reliability and availability
  • Wireless and optical networking
  • Free-space optical communications
  • Radio-over-Fibre transmission
  • Broadband metro and access networks
  • Microwave Photonics
  • Terahertz Photonics
  • Photonic band-gap structures
  • Photonic crystal fibres
  • Optical sensing, Fibre sensing
  • Nonlinear and active PBG devices
  • Nanoscale and ultrafast photonics
  • Photonic microresonators Quantum photonics
  • Quantum communications
  • Implementation of quantum communication infrastructures
  • VCSELs and other novel light sources
  • Fibre lasers
  • High power lasers
  • Novel glasses and photonic materials
  • New transmission windows
  • Polarisation Mode Dispersion
  • Photonic component integration
  • Network planning and design tools
  • Big data analytics and network optimization
  • Non-conventional optical communications
  • Sub-wavelength photonic devices
  • Communication in transportation systems
  • Optical microscopy and nanoscopy techniques and applications
  • Optical inspection of transparent samples: quantitative phase imaging
  • 3D optical imaging and display
  • Polarization-resolved optical microscopy
  • Image processing
  • Satellite communications
  • Label-free super-resolution and sensing
  • 5G to 6G communications
  • Merging of optical and microwave technologies
  • Programmable photonics
  • Other relevant topics

Authors are cordially invited to submit their contributions preferably in standard IEEE conference style contributions (recommended length four A4 pages in editable MS Word or LaTeX file accompanied by a PDF version) for Regular and Poster Sessions to marian.marciniak@ieee.org by March 31, 2025.

The authors will be notified on the acceptance by April 30, 2025. Post-deadline papers with hot results can be submitted till June 1, 2025.

The full camera-ready IEEE-Xplore compliant papers will be requested also by June 1, 2025.

Students, PhD students and young scientists are especially encouraged to contribute and/or participate.

We are looking forward to offer a warm welcome to all of you for the 25th Anniversary Edition of the ICTON Conference, this time in the exciting city of Barcelona. Traditionally, an ambitious technical programme will be accompanied by an attractive set of social events!

Crina Cojocaru & Salvatore Spadaro (General Chairs)
Josep Sole-Pareta (Honorary Chair)
Trevor Benson (ICTON Scientific Committee Honorary Chairman)
Michał Murawski (IEEE Photonics Society Poland Chapter Chairman)
Marian Marciniak (ICTON Originator)
