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Temporary passport for a minor

Where to apply?

You can apply for your child’s temporary passport in any Polish consular office. Please remember that you will apply for and collect your child's new temporary passport in the same office.

Do I have to apply in person?

An application to issue a passport for a child is filed personally by:
•    the mother, the father or, respectively, a legal caretaker or court-appointed guardian, or
•    one of the parents or legal caretakers appointed by the court or the court appointed-guardian, provided that they produce:
1.    a written consent of the other parent to issue a passport for the child, which contains a confirmation of the parent’s signature by a notary; the parent may also grant their consent to issue a passport for the child by sending to the consular office’s Electronic Inbox [/AMB_TelAwiw/SkrytkaESP] a letter granting the consent and signed with a qualified electronic signature, trusted signature or personal signature;
The consent should contain:
1) the name(s), surname, PESEL number, if assigned, and if there is no PESEL number, the date of birth and series and number of a valid document confirming the identity of the consenting parent;
2) the name(s), surname, PESEL number, if assigned, and if there is no PESEL number, the date of birth of the minor on whose behalf an application to issue a passport document is made;

2.    a final decision of the court demonstrating that the other parent is not entitled to decide on whether the child is to be issued a passport;
3.    a final decision of the family court in which the court grants consent for a passport to be issued to the child without the consent of the other parent;
4.    a full copy of the Polish birth certificate demonstrating that the child’s father is unknown (no acknowledgement of paternity or court paternity testing);
5.    a copy of the death certificate of the other parent.

A child under 5 years of age does not need to be present when the application is filed.

How to book an appointment?

You can book your appointment to apply for a passport via the e-konsulat.



  1. The only way to obtain an appointment for passport matters is to join the waiting list in the e-konsulat system.
  2. In case you cannot show up at the consulate please do cancel your appointment so that other applicants can use your spot. You can do it either via the e-konsulat system yourself (you may find the instruction below), by sending an e-mail to or by sending a fax to the Consular Section at 03 527 4726.
  3. Please register in Polish. Multiple registrations of the same applicant will be annulled.
  4. Please register only if you have all required documents, i.e.: ascertainment of the Polish citizenship, you have registered birth and marriage certificates in Poland, etc. If parents register their child’s application they don’t need to register themselves, as they only accompany their child.
  5. Two days before your registered visit you will receive an e-mail with links for confirming or cancelling of your appointment. Please make sure to confirm your visit by clicking proper link. Otherwise, your appointment will be automatically cancelled (you will not receive such an e-mail if the registration has been done within 48h before the appointment).
  6. If you resign from the visit at the Consulate, you can only come again after another registration is made.
  7. Please arrive on time (10-15 minutes prior to your appointment) and bring confirmation of your registration along with all the required documents.


Registering your appointment: step by step

  1. Go to the website:,
  2. Choose a country: Israel,
  3. Choose a consulate: Tel Aviv,
  4. On the left side, choose from the menu “Visits”: “Passport matters”,
  5. Depending on whether you have PESEL number choose the proper type of service “Passport matters (holders of PESEL number)" or “Passport matters (applicants without PESEL number)" and number of applicants; (you can find your PESEL number in your current Polish passport).
  6. Solve the captcha and click "Download appointments" to see the list of available appointment terms;​​​​​​ if no appointments are available at the moment of registration the system will inform you accordingly,
  7. Write your contact details: first name, last name, address, phone number, e-mail address and case description (please be informed that the e-mail provided will be used for confirmation of visit, hence if the e-mail is wrong you will not be able to confirm the visit and it will automatically cancelled by the system);
  8. For each applicant:
    1. choose a type of passport you want to apply for (if you do not have PESEL and you apply for your first Polish passport please choose corresponding type of passport),
    2. write personal details of applicant
      • if you have PESEL number: last name, first name, date of birth and PESEL number,
      • if you do not have PESEL number: last name, first name, mother’s maiden name and date of birth,
  9. Tick the consent for processing of personal data and click the button “Continue”,
  10. If anything deserves amendment click the button „Correct” and you will have an opportunity to introduce changes,
  11. If everything is correct save the registration by clicking the button “Save”,
  12. Download confirmation of the appointment by clicking the button ”Download visit confirmation”.
  13. Two days before your registered visit you will receive an e-mail with links for confirming or cancelling of your appointment. Please make sure to confirm your visit by clicking proper link. Otherwise, your appointment will be automatically cancelled.


How to cancel your appointment

  1. Go to the website:,
  2. Choose a country: Israel,
  3. Choose a consulate: Tel Aviv,
  4. Choose from the menu “Visits”: "Cancel appointment”,
  5. Fill in the cancelation form with the number from your registration form and the code received during making registration – both of them you may find at the bottom of *.pdf file with confirmation of an appointment registration that you received after the completion of registration process,
  6. Click the button "Odwołaj wizytę” (Cancel appointment”).

In cases of hardship and urgency caused by random events (such as death of a family member, sudden illness, theft or loss of documents while staying in another country) contact the nearest consulate by sending an e-mail to describe your situation and attach supporting documents. Remember to state your name, surname, place of residence/stay abroad and phone number in the email.

What documents do I need to submit?

​​​​​​IMPORTANT!  Parents no longer fill out a handwritten application.
You can file an application to issue a passport or temporary passport to a child with a consul in electronic form during a passport visit. A consular employee will file your application using an electronic form and the parents need to confirm that the child’s details are correct by placing their signatures on a dedicated device (signature pad).

•    A colour biometric photograph of the child – check what does the photograph have to look like.
Filing the photograph together with the application is mandatory. You cannot replace the photograph or send it later. If no photograph was attached to your application or the photograph does not comply with requirements, the passport authority will notify you that your application has been rejected.

•    Valid Polish passports or valid Polish identity cards or valid foreign passports of the parents.

•    A valid Polish passport or valid Polish identity card of the child, if such documents have been issued or valid foreign passport of a child.

•    A full or abbreviated copy of the Polish birth certificate, if the child does not have a PESEL number assigned.

•    Decision confirming Polish citizenship of your child (if you apply for the first Polish passport for the child).

If the application is filed by a legal caretaker or court-appointed guardian, court-issued documents that confirm an entitlement to make an application on behalf of the child should be produced.  

NOTE: if you apply for a passport and there are justified doubts as to the child’s identity, citizenship or other details required to file a passport application, the consul may ask you to submit additional necessary documents (e.g. decision confirming Polish citizenship of your child).

How much does it cost?

Fee for a temporary passport issued for the delivery time of the biometric passport is - as mentioned in the current table of consular fees

Fee for a temporary passport issued for other purpose than to cover the biometric passport delivery time is - as mentioned in the current table of consular fees

The fees must be paid at the office counter when submitting the application.

Accepted forms of payment: only cash (paid in Israeli shekels).

NOTE: If a temporary passport is issued, reduced fees do not apply (such fees are only applicable to issuing a biometric passport).

What is the waiting time?

You will receive the child's temporary passport as soon as possible.

Check if your passport is ready.

Please note, if you are planning to take your child abroad with the temporary passport, check current rules of entry and stay of foreigners in the country of destination. Make sure that your child can cross the border with the temporary passport and check the required validity period (at entry and departure).

How to collect the documents?

A child’s passport can be collected by either parent (caretaker) personally in the office in which the application has been filed.

Children above 12 years old have to be present for the collection.

Opening hours for the collection of passports:

- Monday-Thursday: 8:30–9:30

- Friday: 8:30–10:30

Citizens who wish to collect their Polish passports do not need to register appointments (collection is possible according to the schedule indicated above). 

In order to collect your child's Polish passport, please present:

  1. Child's previous Polish passport for cancellation - current passport will be cancelled, except for pages with valid visas, and returned.,
  2. If it is your child's first Polish passport – document proving identity (Israeli or another foreign passport).
  3. Your own Polish or foreign passport.

On the date of collecting the new document, bring the child’s previous passport (or temporary passport) to the consular office – the former passport document will be voided, except for pages containing valid visas, and returned to you.

IMPORTANT! If you receive a passport document by mail, YOU NEED TO ACTIVATE THE PASSPORT ON YOUR OWN using a dedicated electronic service. In order to activate the passport, you need Internet access, the number of your new passport and the application number (which can be found in the confirmation of filing a passport application).
Consider that you can no longer change the method of collecting the passport from personal to courier once the application has been approved during your visit to the consulate. 

How to appeal?

The consul will refuse to issue a passport on the request of:
•    a court that is conducting proceedings in a criminal case, proceedings concerning a fiscal crime, proceedings related to a minor or civil proceedings against the passport applicant,
•    an authority conducting preliminary proceedings and an authority conducting enforcement proceedings in a criminal case, including proceedings concerning a fiscal crime, against the passport applicant.
In these two cases you may not appeal against the decision of the consul refusing to issue a passport document

The consul refuses to issue a passport document when:
•    based on the submitted documents and available registers, the passport authority did not confirm the details of the passport applicant to be entered into the passport document which have been stated in the application to issue a passport document; 
•    based on submitted documents and available registers, the passport authority did not confirm the citizenship of the person who filed the application to issue a passport document;
•    the applicant failed to pay the required fee for a passport or temporary passport.
Refusal to issue a passport document is made by the consul by means of a decision.

If the consul issues a decision refusing to issue a passport to you, you can appeal the decision through the consul to the minister competent for internal affairs.
You may not appeal a decision refusing to issue a passport document if the decision was made on request of a court or another authority conducting proceedings.

Frequently asked questions

Can I receive a temporary passport?

A temporary passport is issued solely in specific cases. Such passport document can be issued to persons:

•    staying outside the territory of the Republic of Poland and waiting for the delivery of a passport issued in Poland (if they so wish and file an application for such document to be issued); 
•    whose fingerprints cannot be physically taken, if this obstacle is temporary;
•    in urgent situations: 
- to return to the place of residence, 
- related to illness, 
- related to illness or burial of a family member, 
- related to professional activities, 
- related to compulsory education of persons who do not have capacity for legal transactions or have limited capacity for legal transactions and are under 18 years of age, to the development of their individual skills, or to provide care to such persons, if necessary; 
•    staying outside the borders of the Republic of Poland, if they have not been assigned a PESEL number, in particularly justified cases, if circumstances prevent or considerably hinder assigning the PESEL number and issuing a temporary passport is necessary due to the protection of material rights and interests of the person who is to be issued the temporary passport;

I lost my child's passport document. What do I have to do?

If you lost a child’s passport, you need to notify the passport authority (the consul if you are abroad) of this immediately.

Filing a passport loss notice with the consulate means that your document loses its validity as of the date of notifying the consul about passport loss.

You do not need to notify passport loss personally in the consulate if you have a trusted profile, qualified certificate or e-identity card. In such cases, you can notify the loss or damage of your passport document either in writing using an electronic form or online via the provided electronic service. 

In addition, you can also notify the loss of a passport document by means of a written letter with a signature certified as your own by a notary.

Remember! If you find the passport whose loss you have notified to the consulate, you should immediately return the document to the passport authority (the consul if you are abroad).
