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About KRUS

A breakthrough in the development of farmers’ social insurance took place after the adoption of the Act of 20 December 1990, which entered into force on 1 January 1991. This Act introduced modern solutions that brought the Polish social insurance system for farmers closer to similar insurance systems in many European countries, such as Austria, France or Germany. 

Service of social insurance for farmers was entrusted to a separate institution established by law – the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (KRUS), which took over tasks in this field from 2 500 offices, municipalities and 54 branches of the Social Insurance Institution. 

As part of the coordination of social security systems, the Fund performs the tasks of competent institutions and acts as a  liaison institution, closely cooperating with public administration authorities in Poland and with equivalent liaison institutions and competent authorities of other EU/EFTA Member States, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and countries with which Poland has concluded bilateral equivalent liaison institutions and competent authorities of other EU/EFTA Member States, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and countries social security agreements. 

Currently, the Fund is one of the national institutions of government administration, servicing the social security system for farmers and their families and performing other commissioned tasks financed from the state budget for the agricultural population – in the field of social policy, health protection and in other areas.



Reports and publications