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TRANSCAN-3 ERA-NET: Sustained collaboration of national and regional programmes in cancer research

Status Status: Rozstrzygnięty

Drugi konkurs w ramach programu TRANSCAN-3 (Joint Transnational  Call 2022) obejmuje finansowanie projektów z tematu:

"Novel translational approaches to tackle the challenges of hard-to-treat cancers from early diagnosis to therapy".

  • Dofinansowanie można przeznaczyć na realizację badań przemysłowych i prac rozwojowych.

  • "Novel translational approaches to tackle the challenges of hard-to-treat cancers from early diagnosis to therapy".

    Proposals must be centred on one or more of the HTTC subtypes characterised by very poor prognosis (5-year survival rate<25%) and for which survival has not improved significantly over the last decades, which are listed in the table below:


    5-year survival rate (2017)

    Average absolute change 2006-2017







    Pleural mesothelioma









    Liver and bile ducts






    Source: https://seer.cancer.gov


    The specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to stimulate new partnerships between researchers and clinicians and support original, high-quality projects, which have the potential for significant clinical impact on HTTC prognosis. The expected outcome of the call is to improve the efficacy of current diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of HTTC, through the development of novel personalized approaches based on a better understanding of the peculiarities of HTTC.

    Current difficulties include the inadequacy of standard diagnostic tools or established early detection methods in the general population, but also the inefficacy of available treatment options, due to intrinsic resistance and/or ineffective drug delivery. In the context of translational cancer research, this call for proposals comprises three specific aims. Proposals will have to cover at least one of the undermentioned aims or sub-aims.

    Aim 1) Identification/validation of novel early diagnostic approaches. Early detection and diagnosis (ED&D) research seek to detect and diagnose consequential precancerous changes and cancer at the earliest possible point at which an effective intervention might be made, reducing the burden of late-stage disease. Any of the areas identified below can be eligible for funding:

    • Identification and validation of novel biomarkers/signatures for HTTC, to better understand disease trajectory of very early/pre-cancerous lesions and help patient stratification in terms of risk, diagnosis/prognosis, response to treatment;
    • Non-confirmatory clinical trials of ED&D technologies or approaches, in particular data and computation-driven approaches.

    Proposals may include hypothesis-driven studies on a variety of biomarkers, e.g. structural, functional, molecular, genetic biomarkers; digital biomarkers are eligible only in combination with other bio-signatures. In all cases, a clear pathophysiological correlate and studies on human participants or tissue should be included in the proposal.

    Aim 2) Identification/validation of novel therapeutic approaches. Although ED&D may significantly reduce the disease burden, HTTC are often characterised by an intrinsic resistance to available treatments. Therefore, it is of foremost importance to understand the biological processes that make these cancers “hard to treat”, and consequently to elaborate more effective therapeutic strategies, also to improve the patients’ quality of life. We welcome proposals aimed at:

    • Identification and validation of novel therapeutical targets, based on better insights on resistance mechanisms, tumour heterogeneity, cellular plasticity, tumour microenvironment, immune responses, metastatic process, tumour dormancy. Novel targets should be evaluated in translational studies with regard to their impact on treatment efficacy and patient benefits. Any in-vitro model systems must closely relate to the human disease.
    • Development of novel therapeutics/therapeutic approaches, through phase I and II clinical trials investigating combinations of available treatments, e.g. targeting multiple pathways, including immune/inflammatory, neoangiogenic and proliferative pathways, new therapeutics, new administration schemes, nutritional support, and other measures to maximise patient outcome and quality of life.

    Aim 3) Development of novel drug delivery strategies. The overarching challenge associated with effective treatment of any cancer is to minimize undesired effects while maximizing therapeutic benefits. For HTTC two additional issues arise: (i) traditional targeted drug delivery strategies suffer from limited capacity of the delivery vehicles preventing sufficient drugs reaching the cancer site which restricts the efficacy of treatment; and (ii) to access the tumour the drug needs to cross endogenous barriers, such as the blood brain barrier and tissue stroma. Therefore, we welcome proposals that aim at developing novel drug delivery systems for HTTC by:

    • achieving site-specific targeting; and/or
    • controlling release rate. 

    Interdisciplinary approaches that combine polymer science and nanotechnology, pharmaceutics, bioconjugate chemistry, and molecular biology are particularly supported.

    An essential pre-requisite for all proposals is the clinical relevance of the planned work.

    Proposals addressing one or more of the above challenges with spatial transcriptomic, single-cell/multi-omic approaches are strongly encouraged, as well as other innovative approaches (artificial intelligence, radiomics, etc.) or strong biomedical components (e.g. organoids, cancer vaccines, etc.). We particularly welcome applications that propose novel interdisciplinary approaches from relevant fields of engineering, informatics, physics in addition to biology and medicine, provided that they are mindful of potential clinical need, patient and population impact.

    The following types of research projects are excluded from the call:

    Szczegółowy opis zakresu tematycznego konkursu znajdą Państwo w dokumentach: Call Text i Guidelines for Applicants.

  • Sekretariat programu TRANSCAN-3: Joint Call Secretariat

    Ministero della Salute - Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Italy

    Silvia Paradisi

    Email: jtc2022@transcan.eu

    Transcan-3 website: https://transcan.eu/

    Transcan-3 newsletter: https://transcan.eu/news-and-resources/newsletters/archivio.kl

  • Austria, Belgia, Estonia, Francja, Hiszpania, Irlandia, Izrael, Kanada, Luxemburg, Łotwa, Niemcy, Norwegia, Portugalia, Rumunia, Słowacja, Węgry, Włochy, Tajwan.

  • 600 000 euro na wszystkie projekty z udziałem polskich partnerów;

    Kurs Europejskiego Banku Centralnego z dnia otwarcia naboru wniosków, tj. 6 czerwca 2022 EUR 1 = PLN 4.5808

  • Maksymalny poziom dofinansowania na projekt 200 000 euro. 

    Kurs Europejskiego Banku Centralnego z dnia otwarcia naboru wniosków, tj. 6 czerwca 2022 EUR 1 = PLN 4.5808

  • Data ogłoszenia konkursu lub inicjatywy: 23/05/2022

    Rozpoczęcie naboru wniosków wstępnych): 06/06/2022

    Zakończenie naboru wniosków wstępnych: 18/07/2022; godz. 12.00

    Wyniki I etapu konkursu (ile na ocenę): 3/11/ 2022

    Rozpoczęcie naboru wniosków pełnych: 17/11/2022

    Zakończenie naboru wniosków wstępnych: 15/12/2022; godz. 12.00

    Publikacja listy rankingowej: Kwiecień 2023

  • Nabór wniosków międzynarodowych odbywa się poprzez system elektroniczny, dostępny od 06/06/2022 na międzynarodowej stronie konkursu: https://ptoutline.eu/app/transcan2022

    W przypadku gdy w projekcie uczestniczy więcej niż jeden polski podmiot, wniosek krajowy jest składany wspólnie przez konsorcjum polskich podmiotów.

  • Wnioskodawcy, których wniosek znajdzie się na międzynarodowej liście projektów rekomendowanych do finansowania, zostaną poproszeni o przygotowanie krajowego wniosku o dofinansowanie. Wnioski zostaną zaopiniowane pod kątem zasadności wnioskowanej kwoty dofinansowania. 

  • Szczegółowe informacje dotyczące zakresu tematycznego konkursu oraz składania wniosków znajdziecie Państwo w dokumentach: Call Text i Guidelines for Applicants

    • (1) Regulamin konkursu (Call Text)
    • (2) Wytyczne dla wnioskodawców (Guidelines for Applicants)
    • (3) Wzór wniosku wstępnego (Pre-proposal form)
    • (4) Przewodnik kosztów kwalifikowanych


  • Kontakt w sprawach merytorycznych

    Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej

    Paulina Puchalska

    Tel. 48 22 25 66 762

    Tel. 48 571 226 613

    E-mail: paulina.puchalska@ncbr.gov.pl

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Informacje o publikacji dokumentu
Pierwsza publikacja:
27.05.2022 14:47 Paweł Kęska
Wytwarzający/ Odpowiadający:
Paulina Puchalska
Tytuł Wersja Dane zmiany / publikacji
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