Current priority programmes
1. Adaptation to climate change and protection of waters against pollution
1.1. Water and wastewater management in agglomerations
1.2. Investments in wastewater management outside the country
1.3. National programme of water and wastewater management outside agglomerations included in the
National Urban Wastewater Treatment Programme
1.4. Water and wastewater management in industrial plants
1.5. Adaptation to climate change and reduction of environmental risks
1.6. My Water
1.7. National programme for financing emergency services
2. Waste Management and Earth Protection
2.1. Rational waste management
2.2. Protection of land surface
2.3. Closed-cycle economy
2.4. Knowledge of geological structure for the benefit of the country
2.5. Reduction of nuisance resulting from mineral extraction
2.6. Nationwide programme of environmental regeneration of soils through their liming
2.7. Disposal of agricultural films and other waste from agricultural activity
2.8. Removal of abandoned waste
2.9. Enabling access to thermal waters in Poland
2.10. National programme for financing the removal of products containing asbestos
3. Just transition
3.1. Local Climate Compass
3.2. Support for innovation to foster a resource-efficient and low-carbon economy
3.3. New Energy
Zero emission energy system
4.1. Zero and low-carbon energy system
4.2. Agro-energy
4.3. My Power
4.4. Energy Plus
4.5. Economic hydrogenation
Air quality
5.1. Clean air
5.2. Improvement of air quality through replacement of heat sources in multi-family buildings - pilot
5.3. Improvement of air quality in the most polluted communes - pilot project
5.4. Increase in energy efficiency of dwellings in multi-family buildings
5.5. District heating
5.6. Energy efficient buildings
5.7. SOWA - outdoor lighting
5.8. Renovation with guaranteed savings EPC (Energy Performance Contract) Plus
5.9. Polish Geothermal Plus
6. Zero-emission transport/Low-emission transport
6.1. Green Investment Scheme (GIS) - Kangur - Safe and
environmentally friendly way to school
6.2. My electric car
6.3. Green public transport (Phase I)
6.4. Support for electric vehicle charging and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure
7. Biodiversity, education and environmental monitoring
7.1. Support of environmental monitoring activities
7.2. Environmental education
7.3. Protection and restoration of biological and landscape diversity
8.1. Support of the Minister of Climate and Environment in the implementation of climate and
environmental policy
8.2. Tasks indicated by the legislator
8.3. Co-financing of the LIFE programme
8.4. SYSTEM - Support of environmental protection and water management measures implemented by
external partners - REGION
8.5. Polish Climate Support
8.6. Support of projects implemented under sub-measure 1.1.1, measures 1.2, 1.5 and 1.6 of the
Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme 2014-2020
8.7. Co-financing of projects implemented under Measures 2.2 and 2.5 of the
Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme
8.8. Co-financing of projects implemented under the European Economic
Area Financial Mechanism 2014-20211.