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Priority programmes

Finance management through priority programmes

The basis for accepting and examining applications for co-financing by the National

Fund are priority programmes. The programmes specify principles for granted

support and project selection criteria. In most programmes continuous calls for applications are organized. The above mentioned system guarantees that the financing process is transparent, objective and impartial, based on the selection

criteria established earlier.


Offer for households

The National Fund’s offer addressed to Polish families is in demand. The PROSUMENT

programme supports development of civil power engineering from renewable energy



In 2014-2020, the National Fund has allocated PLN 800 million of financial support for construction of small installations, producing energy from renewable sources for own consumption. The National Fund (with the budget of PLN 300 million) also offers individuals surcharges to credits contracted for construction of energy-saving houses.


In recent years, more than 67,000 households received financial support under the

programme of surcharges to credits for solar collectors. Owing to excellent effects of this programme implementation the National Fund received a prestigious distinction

– Best Practice Certificate EPSA 2011, and in 2015 was nominated for the European

Commission Sustainable Energy Award.


The National Fund has also recently developed the programme involving small local

communities in activities for the environmental protection.


National Fund: centre of competences

Within the system of management and financing the environmental protection in Poland, the National Fund can be seen as a specific ‘centre of competences’ compliant with standards specified in EU directives. Experienced personnel operates upon modern management technologies. By means of consultations, educational campaigns, surveys, analyses and expert opinions, the National Fund initiates important social and economic processes in the areas of waste management, energy management and resource efficiency.


Extensive consultations conducted by the National Fund stimulate initiation of a new

programming offer. Discussion open forums such as Energy – Effect – Environment,

Good practice in waste management, and Ecology – Education – Eco-innovation are

platforms for exchanging experiences and information on the innovative technologies

applied on the market. The National Fund certified ‘Green Office’, applies corporate

social responsibility (CSR) principles with a particular focus on social dialogue and mitigation of adverse environmental impact, in itsstatutory and accompanying activities.


The Polish system of environmental protection financing recognised and recommended by many international institutions (OECD, World Bank, European Commission) has become the model and inspiration for establishment of similar economic mechanisms in other countries.
