Scope of the programme
In the financial perspective for the 2014-2020 period, the LIFE Programme was divided into two sub-programmes: Environment and Climate Actions. The budget for the period 2014-2017 is EUR 1 347 million for activities in the area of the environment and EUR 449.2 million for Climate Action. The current structure of the LIFE Programme and individual priority areas are shown in the figure below:
* in accordance with the Polish translation of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of 11 December 2013, the name of this area is "mitigating the effects of climate change"
Detailed information on the thematic priorities of the sub-programme for Environment are available in annex II of the LIFE Regulation (Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No. 1293/2013 of December 11, 2013).
Priority areas:
• Environment and Resource Efficiency
a) to develop, test and demonstrate policy or management approaches, best practices and solutions, including development and demonstration of innovative technologies, to environmental challenges, suitable for being replicated, transferred or mainstreamed, including with respect to the link between the environment and health, and in support of resource efficiency-related policy and legislation, including the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe;
b) to support the application, development, testing and demonstration of integrated approaches for the implementation of plans and programmes pursuant to Union environmental policy and legislation, primarily in the areas of water, waste and air;
c) to support the application, development, testing and demonstration of integrated approaches for the implementation of plans and programmes pursuant to Union environmental policy and legislation, primarily in the areas of water, waste and air;
• Nature and Biodiversity
a) to contribute to the development and implementation of Union policy and legislation in the area of nature and biodiversity, including the Union Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, and Directives 92/43/EEC and 2009/147/EC, in particular by applying, developing, testing and demonstrating approaches, best practices and solutions;
b) to support the further development, implementation and management of the Natura 2000 network set up under Article 3 of Directive 92/43/EEC, in particular the application, development, testing and demonstration of integrated approaches for the implementation of the prioritised action frameworks prepared on the basis of Article 8 of that Directive;
c) to improve the knowledge base for the development, implementation, assessment, monitoring and evaluation of Union nature and biodiversity policy and legislation, and for the assessment and monitoring of the factors, pressures and responses that impact on nature and biodiversity within and outside the Union.
• Environmental Governance and Information
a) to promote awareness raising on environmental matters, including generating public and stakeholder support of Union policy-making in the field of the environment, and to promote knowledge on sustainable development and new patterns for sustainable consumption;
b) to support communication, management, and dissemination of information in the field of the environment, and to facilitate knowledge sharing on successful environmental solutions and practice, including by developing cooperation platforms among stakeholders and training;
c) to promote and contribute to more effective compliance with and enforcement of Union environmental legislation, in particular by promoting the development and dissemination of best practices and policy approaches;
d) to promote better environmental governance by broadening stakeholder involvement, including NGOs, in consultation on and implementation of policy.
• Climate Change Mitigation*
a) to contribute to the implementation and development of Union policy and legislation on climate change mitigation, including mainstreaming across policy areas, in particular by developing, testing and demonstrating policy or management approaches, best practices and solutions for climate change mitigation;
b) to improve the knowledge base for the development, assessment, monitoring, evaluation and implementation of effective climate change mitigation actions and measures and to enhance the capacity to apply that knowledge in practice;
c) to facilitate the development and implementation of integrated approaches, such as for climate change mitigation strategies and action plans, at local, regional or national level;
d) to contribute to the development and demonstration of innovative climate change mitigation technologies, systems, methods and instruments that are suitable for being replicated, transferred or mainstreamed.
* in accordance with the Polish translation of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of 11 December 2013, the name of this area is "mitigating the effects of climate change"
• Climate Change Adaptation
a) to contribute to the development and implementation of Union policy on climate change adaptation, including mainstreaming across policy areas, in particular by developing, testing and demonstrating policy or management approaches, best practices and solutions for climate change adaptation, including, where appropriate, ecosystem-based approaches;
b) to improve the knowledge base for the development, assessment, monitoring, evaluation and implementation of effective climate change adaptation actions and measures, prioritising, where appropriate, those applying an ecosystem-based approach, and to enhance the capacity to apply that knowledge in practice;
c) to facilitate the development and implementation of integrated approaches, such as for climate change adaptation strategies and action plans, at local, regional or national level, prioritising, where appropriate, ecosystem-based approaches;
d) to contribute to the development and demonstration of innovative climate change adaptation technologies, systems, methods and instruments that are suitable for being replicated, transferred or mainstreamed.
• Climate Governance and Information
a) to promote awareness raising on climate matters, including generating public and stakeholder support of Union policy-making in the field of the climate, and to promote knowledge on sustainable development;
b) to support communication, management, and dissemination of information in the field of the climate and to facilitate knowledge sharing on successful climate solutions and practice, including by developing cooperation platforms among stakeholders and training;
c) to promote and contribute to more effective compliance with and enforcement of Union climate legislation, in particular by promoting the development and dissemination of best practices and policy approaches;
d) to promote better climate governance by broadening stakeholder involvement, including NGOs, in consultation on and implementation of policy. More information on priorities can be found in the LIFE Multi-annual Work Programme for the years 2014-2017