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5th edition of Contemporary Polish Arts & Culture Festival We Do


On August 30 - September 3, 2023, the 5th edition of the We Do Festival of Contemporary Polish Culture & Art took place in Oslo. The festival is traditionally organized in cooperation with the Polish Embassy in Oslo.

We Do inauguracja

The inauguration of the festival and most of its events took place at Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo. The festival was opened by the first performance (work in progress) of the contemporary theater play "Just beside - Poland of their dreams", directed by Marcelino Valiente and performed by a local theater group, dedicated to the problems of Polish identity and adaptation of Poles in Norway, and by an unforgettable concert of Natalia Przybysz. The program of the festival also included following workshops: analog sound mixing conducted by Adam Frankiewicz, urban embroidery conducted by Olga Budzan and animation without a camera conducted by Aga Jarząb and Maciek Bończyk, as well as screenings of documentary films - "Leon" directed by W. Gostomczyk and "Polish Prayers " directed by Hanna Nobis.

During the closing ceremony of the festival on September 3, at Hǿymagasinet in Oslo, Consul Agnieszka Kucińska-Spyrka - who was representing  Polish Embassy in Oslo -  in a short speech appreciated the innovative and creative nature of the festival. The results of the workshops that took place during the festival were presented, there was also a unique Kino Manual concert with a visual performance by Adam Frankiewicz, Aga Jarząb and Maciek Bończyk, and finally the gathered participants had fun to the music of the Polish DJ The Solar Soul.

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