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Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Oslo
Address: Olav Kyrres plass 1, 0273 Oslo
Correspondence address:
Republikken Polens Embassy
PO Box 4030 AMB
0244 Oslo
Ambassador's Secretary telephone: +47 24 110 850
Ambassador's Secretary e-mail:
ESP: /AMB_Oslo/SkrytkaESP
Consular Section
Address: Oslo, Drammensveien 171 - close to Skøyen train station map
Correspondence address:
Republikken Polens Ambassade
PO Box 4091 AMB
0244 Oslo
Consular information e-mail:
Fax: +47 24 110 878
ESP: /AMB_Oslo/SkrytkaESP
Please sign your e-mails with your full name. We do not reply to anonymous messages.

Consular Information Centre (CIK)

Consular Information Centre in Poland operates Monday to Friday (except Polish bank holidays), 9:00am-5:00pm, telephone number is: +47 214 185 00.

Consular Information Centre in Poland gives general information on: passport matters, lost documents (i.e. passports, Polish ID's, etc.), Polish citizenship matters, general legal and civil status matters.

IMPORTANT NOTICE Consular Information Centre in Poland does not inform about visa matters and cases that are already in progress. To talk about those matters, please get in touch directly with the Consular Section.


Telephone Contact to Consular Section

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 14:30-16:00; Wednesday: 9:30-11:00

Telephone number is: +47 24 110 850

Visiting hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00-14:00; Wednesday: 12:00-17:00
Registration for visits:
For security reasons, it is forbidden to enter the buildings with:
• dangerous items
• knives, weapons, ammunition, tools
• pyrotechnics, alcohol
• backpacks and large luggage
Emergency situations
In emergency situations like accidents, deaths, detentions, requiring immediate and justified consular intervention, it is possible to contact the emergency telephone number: +47 91 33 77 57.

We urge you to call this number only in cases of emergency. The emergency telephone is not meant to provide information regarding opening hours, booking appointments or passport, legal and visa matters. Please do not use the emergency telephone in such cases.

It is not possible to report a loss / damage of ID documents (dowód osobisty or passports) via this telephone number. In order to report ID loss, read information here: Reporting a lost passport or temporary passport or Reporting lost or damaged ID card

PAiH Foreign Trade Office in Oslo
Address: Kronprinsens gate 17, 0251 Oslo
Manager: Martalena Eriksen
Sosiale medier:
Twitter: @PLinNorway
Facebook: PLinOslo