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83rd anniversary of the liberation of Narvik


On 27 May 2023 Narvik hosted commemorations of the 83rd anniversary of its liberation.

Narvik - anniversary 2

On 27 May 2023 Narvik hosted commemorations of the 83rd anniversary of its liberation.

On behalf of the Polish Embassy in Norway, the ceremony was attended by defence attaché colonel Waldemar Torbicki and viceconsul Marcin Spyrka. They thanked the Polish community in and around Narvik for their care for Polish memorial sites and for promoting the sacrifice of soldiers burried in them. They praised the local authorities represented by Narvik’s deputy mayor Per Kristian Arntzen. They noted that the ceremonies are attended by people travelling from far away to pay tribute to Polish soldiers. Thanks to the efforts of Narvik province, Polish activists and individual history enthusiasts, the local memorials are well preserved and the course of World War II is passed on to children and youth.

The participants of the ceremonies visited sites commemorating Polish heroes: Narvik and Håkvik cemeteries, as well as Grom and Forneset/Grindjord squares, where they laid flowers and paid tribute to the fallen soldiers.

The battle of Narvik was the first allied victory in World War II. It was possible thanks to the efforts of Polish, French, British and Norwegian soldiers. The presence of the chiefs of defence of Norway and France, General Eirik Kristoffersen and General Thierry Burkhard at the first part of the ceremony, highlights the remembrance of joint successful struggle of the allies.

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