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Ambassador I. Woicka - Żuławska in Arendal and Risor


16th -19th of August, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Oslo, Iwona Woicka - Żuławska visited the Agder region in southern Norway. Ambassador participated in meetings and debates organized as part of the Arendal Week (Arendalsuka), a political week organized since 2012 in Arendal, in which Norwegian political parties, non-governmental organizations, universities and associations participate.

Risor 1 kwiaty

Together with the Bulgarian Ambassador in Oslo V. Shatilova-Micarova, the Georgian Ambassador M. Kipshidze, the Latvian Ambassador J. Dobele and Ambassador M. A. Sedin, head of the Palestinian Diplomatic Mission in Oslo, she also visited Risør. During the meeting with the Mayor of the city, Per Kristian Lunden, the challenges faced by the region were discussed - the outflow of young inhabitants, the consequences of the pandemic, the potential for the development of international relations and investments in the region.

Ambassador I. Woicka-Żuławska together with the Mayor of Risør also officially opened an exhibition devoted to the century of Norwegian-Polish relations, which could have been seen at the local community center (Risørhuset). The stay in Risør ended with laying a wreath on the grave of Count Czesław Pruszyński, the first Polish ambassador to Norway, who performed his diplomatic mission in the years 1919 - 1921. Czesław Pruszyński rests in the cemetery in Risør, together with his wife Wenche Pruszyńska Prebensen. Members of the Prebensen family also attended the ceremony.

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