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Inauguration of 3rd edition of WE DO - Contemporary Polish Arts & Culture Festival


15th of September at Vega Scene in Oslo 3rd Edition of WE DO - Contemporary Polish Arts & Culture Festival was inaugurated with the screening of Kasia Mateja and Małgorzata Goliszewska's film "Lessons of Love".

WE DO - inauguration 15.09.

The Festival was opened by its Director Żaneta Kruszelnicka and - on behalf of one of the coorganizers, Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Oslo - Ambassador Iwona Woicka - Żuławska.

The festival takes place on September 15-19. It includes documentary film workshops, Visual Art Experience "Dreamagining" and "The Root of a Song" - a collective exploration of human vocality. During the festival will be presented also documentary films of Polish female directors, will take place discussions with the directors of the movies and concerts of Ifi Ude and Min t.

19th of September, at the end of the festival, organizers and participants will present the results of the workshops, "Constant", performative installation of Deep Control Collective will be shown and a concert of the Polish-Ukrainian group Dagadana will take place.

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