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J. Fairweather's lecture and discussion on the Norwegian edition of his book "Volunteer. The true story of Witold Pilecki's secret mission ”.


March 28, at the Norwegian Holocaust Center in Oslo took place J. Fairweather's lecture dedicated to the promotion of the Norwegian edition of his book "Volunteer. The true story of Witold Pilecki's secret mission ”.

Pilecki - Fairweather 1

The author of Pilecki's biography introduced to the Norwegian audience the history of Captain Pilecki and the underground network he organized in the German Nazi concentration camp in Auschwitz. Fairweather told about the reports of the underground prepared by Pilecki about the situation in the camp and the extermination of the Jews, which were transferred to the Polish Government in Exile.

After the lecture, there was a conversation on the book, motives governing the activity of W. Pilecki as well as the roots of anti-semitism and the ways of overcoming it, between Jacek Fairweather and Bernt Hagtvet from Forlaget Press (publishing house, which edited Norwegian version of "Volunteer") moderated by Oivind Kopperud from the Norwegian Center The Holocaust.

The project was carried out in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Oslo, the Norwegian Holocaust Center, the Friends of the Center Association and the Forlaget Press publishing house.
