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Offcial opening of the exhibition "Mom, I don't want war"


September 19, the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland I. Woicka-Żuławska and charge d'affairs of the Embassy of Ukraine L. Honcharevych officially opened the exhibition "Mom, I don't want war".

Otwarcie wystawy "Mamo, ja nie chcę wojny" - 19.09.22

The exhibition prepared conceptually by the Polish State Archives is based on the Polish-Ukrainian archival project "1939-45 POLAND/2022 UKRAINE".

The exhibition presents drawnings of Polish children from 1946 and drawnings of Ukrainian children made in recent months during the Russian agression in Ukrainie,

Despite gap of 76 years. these moving works share the same perception of the atrocities of war in the eyes of children, which makes the entire exhibition timeless and universal. Its main message is the hope that the youngest generation of Ukrainians - aware of their identity - will survive the worst moments in the history of their country, just as it was in case of Poles during Second World War.

The exhibition is presented on the external wall of the Embassy till the end of September.
