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Official opening of Polish Film Days (Polske Filmdager)


10th of October official opening of 8th edition of Polish Film Days (Polske Filmdager) has taken place in Fredrikstad. The inauguration was connected with the opening the exhibition of Daniel Mróz' illustrations to Stanisław Lem's texts entitled "Lem's bestiary according to Mróz".

Polske Filmdager - official opening 1


In her opening speech, Ambassador I. Woicka-Żuławska recalled the figure of S. Lem and the universal nature of his work. 

The festival, taking place in Oslo and Fredrikstad, will last until October 22 this year. Within its framework, the following will be presented: screenings of S. Lem's prose "Maska" (directed H. Brulińska) and "The Room" (directed K. Jankowski), movies of A. Munk (100th anniversary of director's birthday) will  and K. Kieślowski (80th anniversary of birthday) as well as the winner of the Golden Lions at the Gdynia Film Festival and the Polish Film Award, the animated film directed by M. Wilczyński "Kill it and leave this town".

22nd of October, at the end of the festival, the Cosmopolite Scene in Oslo will host the international premiere of a Polish-Scandinavian music project - Voices from the Green Planet.

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