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Official opening of R. Wojczal's exhibition "Jesteśmy tacy jak wy/Vi er akkurat som dere"


On May 2, on the occasion of the Day of Poles and Polish Diaspora Abroad, the official opening of Rafal Wojczal's exhibition "Vi er akkurat som dere/We are just like you" took place in front of the Polish Embassy in Oslo. The exhibition's 49 boards present the profiles of Poles living in Norway, briefly describe their stories and the reasons that brought them to this country.

R. Wojczal - opening of the exhibition

Speaking at the ceremony, both Tomasz Orłowski - Chargé d'affaires of the Embassy and Rafał Wojczal - author of the exhibition, emphasized that Poles in Norway perform various professions, contributing to the development of the economy, culture and social life of the country they chose to live in. Some words has been said by the representatives of the persons presented at the exhibition - Ewa Sapieżyńska and Grzegorz "Gregor" Gorczyński. 

The exhibition will decorate the wall of the Polish Embassy in Oslo until the end of May.
