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Polish - Norwegian seminar on potential of cooperation in the hydrogen sector


From 6th to 8th of June 2023, representatives of Polish companies - Orlen Group, Gaz System, Polenergia, PESA, Torpol Oil&Gas and the Energy Institute - has been in Norway on a hydrogen mission.

Seminarium wodorowe PL-NO

The delegation held meetings with their counterparts, companies Equinor, Statkraft, Gassco, Cargonet, Onrail, and also participated in a seminar on the potential for Polish-Norwegian cooperation in the hydrogen sector, organized by the Polish Embassy in Oslo in cooperation with the Foreign Investment and Trade Office in Oslo on the sidelines of the Nor-Shipping fair in Lillestrom. The aim of the mission was to showcase Poland as a strong partner in hydrogen technologies across different industries and strengthen Polish-Norwegian and cooperation in hydrogen sector.

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