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Response of the Embassy of Poland to the article about the “Norenco case”


Budynek Ambasady

In relation to the article by the NRK journalist Mrs. Laila Nguyen Egenbretsen “Polen beslaglegger norsk håndsprit”, the Embassy of the Republic of Poland would like to inform that exports of certain medical products from Poland are currently regulated by the ordinance of the Minister of Health of 20 March 2020 on the introduction of a state of epidemic in Poland.

These new provisions are in line with the EU law. The European Commission allowed such restrictions in different EU Member States, including Poland, as the European treaties clearly state that in matters of citizens security and health, exemptions to Internal Market rules are permitted. Moreover a pan-EU prohibition to sell safety products by Member States (by EU companies) to third countries was introduced. On the 19th of March the EEA countries were exempted from it, a change supported by EU countries, including Poland.

Therefore, in accordance with the abovementioned ordinance, export restrictions were introduced. They apply only to certain medical products manufactured in our country or purchased by Polish entrepreneurs for further redistribution. At the same time Poland grants the right of transit of those goods (see: All European countries are taking stringent precautionary measures to control and defeat the spread of the virus. As Prime Minister Erna Solberg said – “these are extraordinary measures taken in peace time”.

Acting according to introduced laws, President of Norenco Polska sp. z.o.o. asked the Voivode of Lubelskie Voivodhsip for a permit to export the product to Norway. Since it was not granted, the firm did not start the production. Therefore the statements on “the confiscation by Polish authorities of disinfectants” are untrue. Moreover, the Voivode of Lublin had the right to impose the sale of such products only on the local market. The transaction talks between Norenco Norge and Norenco Polska sp. z.o.o. were part of usual business interactions between two private entities, that are to be in line with regulations in the country of production. The Polish authorities did not receive any signals from Norwegian partners, stating that this transaction was of sensitive character and the disinfectant shall be treated as essential from the point of view of the Norwegian health sector.

The abovementioned article contains more unfounded comments, made by a Norwegian lawyer. It is expected from law practitioners to include in their assessments only arguments relevant to the case and which can be proven without a doubt, and not those that are a possibility or are coming from personal biased opinions. Unfortunately, such emotional negative reaction and unfounded statements have already provoked a similar response from part of the Norwegian public: negative attitudes towards Polish citizens are building up in social media. Towards the same Polish citizens, that are right now working in sectors essential for the Norwegian fight with the pandemic, believing in the spirit of dugnad. From our point of view, the use of aggressive language towards Polish citizens is totally unacceptable, as it would be towards any other nationality.

Therefore, we would like to appeal to all not to fall for hate-speech and fake news, which are in these days of crisis so often and ruthlessly used to make our friendly nations distrust each other.
