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Seminar on the security challenges related to the influx of refugees from Ukraine


On May 12, on the premises of Peace Research Institute in Oslo has taken place seminar inspired by and co-organized by the Polish Embassy in Oslo together with the Secretariat of the Council of the Baltic Sea States in Stockholm and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Norway's presidency in the CBSS) on the security challenges related to the influx of refugees from Ukraine (human trafficking, sexual exploitation, abuses on the labor market).

Seminarium nt. zagrożeń dla uchodźców PRIO

The discussion, moderated by Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert (research director at PRIO), was attended by:

Edi Mujaj, Senior Adviser, Task Force Gainst Trafficking in Human Beings, Sekretariat RPMB

Guri Tyldum, FAFO analyst, migration expert from Eastern Europe

Jan Austad, Expert from the Norwegian Ministry of Justice

Despina F. Johansen, operational director of the Kropla organization in the Sea (Norwegian NGO)

Fatou Diallo Ndiaye, Manager of the IOM Office in Norway.

During the seminar it has been stressed, that in the face of over 5 million people leaving Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion, specialized organizations (IOM, Europol, La Strada, Frontex) are recording signals of cases of trafficking in human beings, attempts at sexual exploitation, or on the labor market, and that there are indications of activity organized crime groups operating in these areas.

All the panellists emphasized that the crisis in Ukraine is a crisis on an unprecedented scale and requires immediate reaction, therefore - despite the potential threats - it is impossible to give up from the involvement of volunteers, who are necessary with such a high influx of refugees and the scale of their needs. However, the solution to the problem may be greater coordination of activities and regular control of the support system.




ses of trafficking in human beings, attempts at sexual exploitation, or on the labor market, and that there are indications of activity organized crime groups operating in these areas.

All the panellists emphasized that the crisis in Ukraine is a crisis on an unprecedented scale and requires immediate reaction, therefore - despite the potential threats - it is impossible to give up from the involvement of volunteers, who are necessary with such a high influx of refugees and the scale of their needs. However, the solution to the problem may be greater coordination of activities and regular control of the support system.
