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Solemn commemoration of the 84th anniversary of the Battle of Narvik


27-28 May, on the 84th anniversary of the Battle of Narvik, a team from the Polish Embassy in Oslo - Chargé d'affaires Tomasz Orłowski, Defence Attaché Col. Waldemar Torbicki and Head of Consular Section in the Embassy, Consul Agnieszka Kucińska-Spyrka - visited memorial sites of the Polish Armed Forces in Narvik and the surrounding area.

Narvik 1 commemoration

Flower wreaths were placed at the memorial to the sailors from ORP Grom, at two cemeteries where servicemen from the Independent Highland Rifle Brigade are buried, and at the site of the landing of the allied Polish-British forces.

Representatives of the Embassy also honoured - accompanied by local authorities and the French Honorary Consul in Narvik Jacques Chauffour - Norwegian and French soldiers who gave their lives during this Allied operation.

The delegation was received by the Vice Mayor of Narvik Rune Ernst Østergren, the head of the Cultural Affairs Department of Narvik kommune Lena Hope, the Director of Narvik Krigsmuseum Ulf Eirik Torgersen and representatives of the local veterans communities.

A separate place on the programme was occupied by meetings with the local Polish community, coordinated by Elisabeth Borgsø, with the participation of Joanna Molińska, Chairwoman of the Board of Polish Association in Narvik /Polsk Forening i Narvik, and priest Rafał Ochojski, Polish chaplain in Narvik.

The ceremony was also attended by scouts from the Polish Scouting in Norway (Polskie Harcerstwo w Norwegii PHN) headed by Scoutmaster Marta Radwańska.

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