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Thank you letter


Budynek Ambasady

On behalf of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Oslo, the Consular Section of the Embassy, together we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to doctors, nurses, paramedics, medical students and other members of medical staff, who care for the life and health of patients during in this particularly difficult time of coronavirus pandemic, especially in the Kingdom of Norway. Appreciating your efforts and commitment, we would like to thank you for the huge effort You are making every day, often risking your own life and health.

 We would also like to thank Polish doctors, nurses and medical workers, employed in large numbers in the Norwegian healthcare system: Your knowledge, experience and devotion to patients always deserves recognition, but especially during such a difficult and exhausting time as a pandemic-crisis.

We are extremely grateful for what you do for all of us here, in Norway, as well as in other countries around the world. We hope that our heartfelt thanks and support will give you comfort and strength in these difficult moments.

Thank you very much, please do accept our words of highest recognition and respect,


Iwona Woicka - Żuławska, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Norway

Anna Śmiałek - Grzyb, Consul of the Republic of Poland
