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54th ENSREG plenary session


On March 20, a plenary session of the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG) was held, bringing together representatives of the national nuclear regulatory authorities of the European Union Member States. Poland was represented by a delegation from the National Atomic Energy Agency, headed by the President of the PAA, Andrzej Głowacki, and the Director of the PAA's Policy and International Cooperation Bureau, Iga Pocztarek-Tofil.

President of the National Atomic Energy Agency, Andrzej Głowacki during the plenary meeting of the European Nuclear Safety Regulatory Group (ENSREG)

During the plenary meeting led by the new chairman of ENSREG, Juan Carlos Lentijo, head of the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN), the ENSREG work plan for 2024-2026 was adopted and the chairmen of working groups presented action reports. Iga Pocztarek-Tofil from the National Atomic Energy Agency, the new chairwoman of the working group for nuclear safety and international cooperation (WG1), summarized the work of her group - the implementation of action plans to strengthen the safety of nuclear facilities against external threats, as well as action plans related to thematic reviews on nuclear safety in the field of fire protection and aging management.

The participants of the plenary session also approved the thematic program of the 7th ENSREG Conference, which will be held on June 24-25 this year in Brussels. Representatives of the regulatory authorities of EU countries also discussed the cooperation mechanism between ENSREG and WENRA - the Western European Nuclear Regulators Association, including the position on accident tolerant fuel. EU Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, gave a presentation on the key policy and regulatory challenges in nuclear energy and, in this context, also mentioned the Commission's new support program for nuclear safety regulators. Then, ongoing and planned EC studies were discussed, in particular the study on the implementation of the Nuclear Safety Directive in the Member States, and the progress of the initiative in the European Union in the field of small modular reactors (European Industrial Alliance on SMRs). Finally, the Ukrainian nuclear regulatory authority presented an update on the state of nuclear safety in Ukraine in the context of the ongoing armed conflict, and further EU involvement was discussed.

The next plenary session will take place in autumn 2024.

European Nuclear Safety Regulatory Group

ENSREG (European Nuclear Safety Regulatory Group) is a group of nuclear regulatory authorities from EU Member States - including the National Atomic Energy Agency. A representative of the European Commission also takes part in the group's work. The group has advisory powers to the European Commission. The aim of ENSREG is to facilitate cooperation and exchange of information between EU Member States on issues related to nuclear safety and management of radioactive waste. ENSREG also conducts peer reviews of the safety of nuclear facilities.