Assessment of National Radiation Situation
Pursuant to Article 72 of the Atomic Law Act, the President of the National Atomic Energy Agency performs a systematic assessment of the national radiation situation. The basis for this evaluation is, first of all, measurement data from radiation monitoring, information about radiation events within the territory of Poland and information from other states and international organizations.
Systematic assessment of national radiation situation is conducted by the Radiation Emergency Centre CEZAR which is a separate organizational unit of the PAA. Tasks of the Radiation Emergency Centre CEZAR include:
- Collecting, verifying and analysing monitoring data,
- Maintaining databases and operating IT systems important for the assessment of national radiation situation;
- Verifying and assessing information about radiation events and responding to radiation events (including the activities of National Contact Point and Emergency Service of the PAA President),
- Cooperating with national institutions and emergency centres of other countries and international organizations with regard to radiation monitoring and emergency management,
- Forecasting the development of national radiation situation and hazards to the general public and the environment.