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A civilian-military university to cooperate with the PAA


The War Studies University (ASzWoj) became an academic partner cooperating with the National Atomic Energy Agency. On Wednesday, February 8th, the heads of the PAA and the ASzWoj signed an agreement on nuclear safety and radiological protection of the country.

The agreement was signed by Andrzej Głowacki, acting as the President of the PAA (left), and BG Robert Kosowski, PhD and Rector-Commandant of the ASzWoj (right)

The agreement was signed by Andrzej Głowacki, acting as the President of the PAA, and BG Robert Kosowski, PhD and Rector-Commandant of the ASzWoj. The ceremony took place in the building of the War Studies University. The institutions declared cooperation with the primary objective of developing and strengthening nuclear safety and radiological protection of the country.

"We are working to strengthen nuclear safety and radiological protection. We further develop the national radiation monitoring network. In 2022, the National Atomic Energy Agency installed 13 new permanent monitoring stations in Poland. Today's agreement initiates cooperation between the PAA and the War Studies University to better fulfill the tasks of assessing the country's radiation situation and responding to radiation emergencies", stressed Andrzej Głowacki.

"The National Atomic Energy Agency has experience in the peaceful use of nuclear energy. The University, on the other hand, and in particular the Defense Training Center against Weapons of Mass Destruction, operating within its structure, specializes in the military aspects of assessing the effects of their use. I hope that today's agreement will promote the effective exchange of information and acquisition of competences," concluded BG Robert Kosowski, PhD and Rector-Commandant of the War Studies University.

The cooperation envisages a joint training of the PAA employees and soldiers of the ASzWoj Defense Training Center against Weapons of Mass Destruction, as well as mutual support in conducting analyses and assessments of the radiation situation. In addition, the institutions will exchange knowledge of and experience in forecasting and responding to radioactive contamination.

The War Studies University is a military university that educates civilian students and allows officers to continue learning. The structures of the University include, among others: War Games and Simulation Center and a specialist Defense Training Center against Weapons of Mass Destruction. Annually, approx. 7,000 people study at the university, including 4,000 in military faculties.

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