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An American company authorized by the President of the PAA


Today the president of NUMARK Associates, Incorporated has received the decision on granting authorization from the head of the National Atomic Energy Agency. The authorization paves the way to apply for the role of a technical support organization for the PAA in the process of licensing and supervision of the construction of nuclear power plants.

Representatives of NUMARK Associates, Incorporated and National Atomic Energy Agency

NUMARK Associates, Inc. has received authorization for:

  • deterministic analyses of anticipated operational occurrences and design basis accidents in nuclear power plants;
  • determining postulated initiating events (PIEs) and verifying the assignment of PIE to individual states of the facility in terms of safety analyses of the nuclear power plant.

NUMARK Associates, Inc. is the second foreign institution authorized by the President of the PAA. In total, ten such decisions have been issued so far, and the full list of entities authorized by the PAA President is available on the Agency's website.

The NUMARK company has been operating since 1991. For 15 years, NUMARK has been working for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), and for over 12 years - for the UAE Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) in the scope of their verification of applications for licenses for nuclear facilities, verification of the methodology of nuclear safety analyses, training and infrastructure development.

Technical support organizations

TSO, an abbreviation of Technical Support Organization, is a generic term for i.e. authorized laboratories and research institutes that can support nuclear regulators in the licensing process of nuclear power plants. The PAA will use the support of such organizations when assessing an investor's application for a license to construct a nuclear facility. TSOs will perform some analyses and provide expertise in nuclear technology and individual technical fields.

Only those institutions that are authorized by the President of the PAA will be able to apply for the role of a technical support organization for the Polish nuclear regulatory authority.