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Anniversary issue of the bulletin 'Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection' - 1/2024


The year 2024 marks the 35th anniversary of the first issue of the Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection newsletter.. Since the publication of the first issue in 1989, the quarterly has been published continuously until now. To date, 130 issues have been published. The newest copy is number 131 and we are giving it to you.

Graphic with the inscription Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection 35th anniversary of the bulletin

In this issue we can read about the beginning, program and who created the first issue of the bulletin. In turn, in the 'Read the BJiOR bulletin' section on the PAA website, in the archived issues tab, a scan of the first issue and other archived issues of the quarterly are available.

A timely topic in this issue - the siting of nuclear power plants. In the article 'Outline and assessment of the most important changes in the Polish nuclear power plant siting procedure' we can learn about new regulations introduced in 2023, which are intended to shorten the time of siting procedures. This is about amendments to laws related to the implementation of investments in the field of nuclear power.

The article on research and analysis of the impact of ionizing radiation discusses the validity of developing cytogenetic methods, such as systematic monitoring of the frequency of chromosomal aberrations.

The three remaining articles are devoted to various aspects of the occurrence, detection and possible use of ionizing radiation, as well as nuclear transformations and reactions. In one of these articles, the author will take us on a journey back in time dating back to the beginning of the Universe.