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Discussion on the use of nuclear technology in Poland's energy transformation with the participation of the President of the PAA


– When creating the nuclear sector in Poland, it is necessary to use existing solutions and adapt them in the best possible way to Polish conditions. We don't have to create ‘everything’ from scratch in Poland, we need to get to know as well as possible the good models and use international experience – Andrzej Głowacki, the President of the PAA, said during the EuroPOWER & RES POWER Energy Conference.

Discussion on the use of nuclear technology in Poland's energy transformation with the participation of the President of the PAA

On April 14, Andrzej Glowacki took part in a panel discussion "How to realize ambitious plans of the creation of a nuclear power sector in Poland?", which was a part of the Energy-Society-Economy conference. Participants discussed the safety of the nuclear power industry, its role in the modernization of the country and the creation of an engineering  base for the sector.

– The issue of building an engineering base for the atom is a real challenge. We need many specialists in various technical fields. These specialists are needed both in the business sector and in the nuclear regulatory authority ­– explained Andrzej Glowacki.

The National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA) plans to hire additional 70 employees by 2026 to take part in works related to the Polish Nuclear Power Program.

The technology of Small Modular Reactors (SMR) was also discussed. Currently, the technology is being evaluated by nuclear regulatory authorities in many countries.

– No new reactor will be put into operation without a license issued by a nuclear regulatory authority. Nuclear safety is a priority and is subject to review from the design stage, through construction, to the decommissioning  of the facility, including radioactive waste management – assured the President of the PAA during the panel.

On April 13-14, representatives of energy entities and of the central administration as well as scientists and members of industry associations met in Warsaw to discuss the most important aspects of the operation and development of the energy industry.

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