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European nuclear regulators have adopted a common position on the safety of nuclear facilities safety in Ukraine due to Russia’s military aggression


On February 27, at an extraordinary meeting, the European Nuclear Regulators Group (ENSREG) met with representatives of the European Commission, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU). Poland was represented by the President and Deputy President of the National Atomic Energy Agency. The ENSREG meeting was devoted to the situation in Ukraine.

Logotype of ENSREG

On invitation of ENSREG, the representative of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine provided information on the current situation regarding nuclear materials and facilities in Ukraine. The representative pointed to the lack of access to facilities in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and the threats caused by military operations for nuclear power plants and other facilities containing nuclear materials and radioactive waste.

At the meeting, the position of ENSREG was agreed and adopted, calling on the Russian Federation to immediately cease unlawful activities in order to restore control of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine over nuclear facilities and materials in accordance with international safety requirements. The statement will be communicated to the Russian side and is publicly available at ENSREG website.

What is ENSREG?

ENSREG is a group of nuclear regulators from the EU countries. A representative of the European Commission also participates in the work of the Group. The group possesses advisory powers of the European Commission.

The aim of ENSREG is to facilitate cooperation and exchange of information between the Member States of the European Union on issues related to nuclear safety and radioactive waste management. Within ENSREG, mutual nuclear safety reviews are also carried out.

PAA participation in ENSREG

The National Atomic Energy Agency actively participates in the work of ENSREG and the working groups operating under its auspices on nuclear safety, radioactive waste management and transparency of the activities of nuclear regulators.