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Meeting of the head of the PAA with representatives of the European Commission for Energy


The role of the National Atomic Energy Agency in the Polish nuclear power programme - was one of the topics of talks between the acting President of the PAA and the management of the Directorate General for Energy in the European Commission. During the meeting in Warsaw, the scope of PAA's activities in the European Group of Nuclear Safety Regulators was also discussed.

Logotypes of the European Commission and PAA

Andrzej Głowacki, Vice-President, acting as President of the PAA, met with representatives of the European Commission headed by Massimo Garribba, Deputy Director General for Energy on Tuesday, January 17. The talks mainly concerned the preparations of the National Atomic Energy Agency for the tasks resulting from the Polish nuclear power programme.

PAA's role in this investment is crucial - the Agency is to control the entire process in terms of nuclear safety and radiological protection. - This is a big challenge for the Agency, for which we have been preparing for several years - said Andrzej Głowacki during the meeting with the representatives of the European Commission. – Currently, PAA focuses on staff reinforcement. By 2026, we want to hire an additional 70 new employees who will work on the Polish nuclear program - added the Vice-President acting as President. Reinforcement of staff means not only new employment, but also cyclical training of employees who strenghten their competences, e.g. during several-month internships in foreign nuclear regulatory authorities.

PAA on a foreign forum

The National Atomic Energy Agency has been conducting extensive international cooperation for years. We participate in a total of over 50 groups and committees, e.g. in the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG). The group has advisory competences of the European Commission - the meeting of Vice-President Głowacki with Director Garibba was therefore an opportunity to discuss PAA's activity in ENSREG.

ENSREG has been operating since 2007. From the beginning of its operation, it has focused on cooperation and exchange of information between the Member States of the European Union on issues related to nuclear safety and radioactive waste management. Representatives of the National Atomic Energy Agency regularly participate in the work of this Group.